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348 The Evil ofEvils, or the on, becaufe it cannot be infinite in degree : thus fin is infinite. Certainly that which makes fuck an infinite lofs, and fuch an infinite breach, and brings fuch infinite tortures; this muff be an in- finite evil in a kind. Thirdly, Sin is a kindofinfinite evil, Becaufe there is required an infinite price to make an attone ment : nothing can make an attonemeut between God andainner, but an infinite price paid. You may thinkwhen you have finned, it mayquickly be made up again : Every Fool can fin, can be drunk, be unclean, and wicked; but when you have finned, howwill you get it away? All the Angels in Heaven, and Men in the world cannot do it; all the Creatures in Heaven and Earth connot get away one fin : You let out your thoughts idlely 5 take the guilt of one fin, of an idle thought, .I fay, it is beyond thepower ofal the Angels in Heaven, and Creatures in the World to get away that Sin it mull be an infi- nite price; there mull bemore done for to get away theguilt of this fin,than ifGod íliould fay, here is a poor Creature hath finned, and is guil- ty, I will make ten thoufandworlds for his or her fake, and they [hall be all given that I may manifefl my mercte towards them : NowifGod do but deliver thee from one Sin, he Bothmore for thee, than if thou fhouldefl hear him fpeak fromHeaven, and fay, he would do all that for thee : for you know what the Apoflle faith, i Pet. i. i 8. For as much a'syouknow thatyou werenot redeemedwith ccrruptible things, as Si,'ver and Gold fromyour vainConverfaticn,receivedby traditionfrom your