Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfilnef of sin. your Fathers, but troth theprecious Bloodof `ne chrili asofa Lamb twthoutfratorblcn:ifh: not with Gold and Silver; ifit were Gold and Silver, all the Gold and Silverin theworld wouldnot redeem one ; but it was with an infinite price with which you were redeemed : and mark, f omyot:r vainConv rfation; he doth not fay,yourvain trs c- ked,notorious idolatry, but vainConverfation; yea, and that vain Converfation which you might have fame plea for, received from thetra ditivnofyourfathers : you will keep your oldCu- floms you received from vourFathers received agreat while ago; you crie out ofnew things, new kindof wales, now I am lure I have lived this thirtie, or this fourrie years, and 1 never knew fuch things,and heard offuch things, and fo youwill re!r on the Traditions ofyour Fore fathers: Mark what the Scripture faith, fpea king of thole that were delivered from their vain Converfation, and the vanities receivedby Tradition.;thefe were redeemedby theprecious' Blood ofJelos Chri(t,,not w th Gold and Silver: though you flick to them as being filch as yon received fromyour Fathers, yet know all the world cannot deliver you from theguilt ofone ofthefe vainConverfations If you knew all youwouldfee there were fo much evil in onc fin, as required a price to ranforn you from it- of more worth than Heaven and Earth, yea, 'than ten thoufand Heavens and Earths there mull be a, price laid down of infinite worth : And oblerve'this before you go away there may be aprice laid down to ranfom a Captive, l{ r and 349