ïhe Evil of Evils, Or the and thi, price may Note not fomuch the great- nets of the deliverance, as the worthofthe per fon for whom this price is laid down ; becaufe theperfon.iswortht *, not from the miferable- nefs.of the bondage, but the greatnefs of the perfon : But it isnot fohere, the reafm of the greatnefs of the price for your ranfom, is not fromtheworthinefs of the perfon,'we be poor, vile, dirt, and drofs, and."filthy before God : what if you,were all buried to all eternity, what great matter were it ? Eut God bath paid a great price to note the greatnefsofyour inifery, andevil you have brought upon your felves by reafon of fin, and therefore this is the price of our ranfom. This is the third thing wherein tl e it finitebefs offinappears. AFourth thing to difcover a kindof infinite- nefs ofevil inSin isthis, That sin, it infoevil, that id therehe neverfo much hatred agúinfi it in thyfiat, let therebe as mush hatred agàinfl it aipof can be ; yet there i' enoughevil in f n to rafi this hatred higher andhigher ifit mere po f !e to an infinite,' hatred therefore there is a kindofinfinitenefs in it..: aid Sinwerebut ameerfinite Evil,then theremight b-.feme.bounds and limits fet to the hatred of car.fìn; but that cannot be, there can be no bóunds nor limits fet to the hatred of our fin, but we are tohate it moreand more ftilh and if we.could,grow to an infinite hatred ; therefore :theremuft be Tome kind of infinite Evil in it. 'Other thingsbenot fo ; we may fet bounds to our hatred inother things : but when it comes Tofin, there is no limits tobe fet to the hatted of