Exceeding Sinfulnef5 of Sin. 35t. of it. As Brethren thus, It doth note the infi nitenefs ofgoodnefs that there is inGod, why ?' Becaufe we are to love God, and our love to God mull be without any bounds at all : we love him thus much, and dill our love is to go further, and higher and higher, and if pofiiible to raife our love to be infinite, becaufe he is an infinite good who is theobjet ofour loves. So hatredon theother fide ; weare to hate fin, we are to hate it more andmore, and ítill grow up intatred, and never let bounds to our hatred : whydoth not thisas well argueakind ofinfinit- nefs in fin ? Andhere thenBrethren by theway you may haveanote ofyour true love to God, and true hatred againft Sin, whether it be right or no : as now, If you will know if you love Godtruly, thenyou let no bounds toyour love, not-onlytoyour love tohim, but to your love to`hiswaies, and your love toGrace,andChrife, and the like, you let nobounds : That man or woman that would be Religiousbut fo far, and faith, why will yoube fo{trier, and fohot ?. and lets bounds to the working of their hearts in Religious wales ; .let fuch -men and women know, their Religion is in vain, it is but meetly a Natural one. I remembera Speech Seneca a Heathen path, though he applies it another way, yet hemakes it appear, he had force un- derftanding of this Truth, faith he,. Wouldyou know when defresbe Natural, and whennot Natural ? Ifthey be Natural, then they be inbounds, andyoulet limits to them ; but when they breakbounds, then they beno moreNaturd But heapplies it to finful de-' R r 2 fires