352 7' e Evil n3'Rvi's Or t-e res ( or he knew no bttterthan desires at the « ghe`r, as they had borne Naturalnefs in them) and faith he, fpeakina oft inful delires fo loni as youkeep your delires in certain bounds, they he Natural and good ; but when once you let 'hemoutbeyond bounds, they be nomore Na- ural We may very well applie it to fpeak of she Work ofNature, and the Work of Grace : Would you know whether theground of . your defires, or work, be Natural, or Supernatural e Youmay know them by this, Ifyou propound limits, thus far you will go; this certainlie is a kart' ral work : But when the heart lets out it felftoGod without any limits or bounds; this is a Supernatural work. Su youdi"ike fin, and Oh you would not commit it; but this is the Queiion, Whether your diflike or hatred be Natural or Supernatural? lfNatural,then there be fhme limits and bounds you propound, that is, youwill not commit fuch grofs fins, and live in fuch open fins ; and upon fuch and Each grounds, you will abfrain from fuch and fuch Sins : But ifthere be a Supernatural work, your hearts are bet againft all fins with a kind of infi- nitenefs, without anie bounds or terms, you will bet no bounds to your hatred of anie Sin : that manor woman that fo hates Sin, as to bet no bounds at all unto their hatred, and will ad- mit it upon no terms; this is a Supernatural hered. Manic are againfr Sin Naturally; but in that true hatred, it is fobounaiefs, that there mu'' be no bounds bet to your. hatred : it evi- dentlie {hews Sin tohave akiiidef:infuaitraefs of evil in it. iftly,`