Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

- _ _. . Exceeh. nep of Sin. 353' Ft Ably, Sinha'h a !kind of in`:nitenefs in it in th.rt it is the ?'niveri dCastle ofall Evil : As God appears to he in in. .nitegood, bec 'life he is the univerfa! can of all good ; this Both much fet our the intnire°iefs of Gods good refs in that he istheuniverfal caufe of all good So it loth fet out the infinitene(`s of Sin, in that Sin is the univerfal caufe of all evil, all evils flow from it. This is the Fifth Thing. Sixthly, There is an infinitenefs of Evil in Sm; it anpeareth thus, That as the inftnitenefSof good inGod isfhaild6roedout untowhy allgood things, and in as much as me and tjre Scripture m. k s ufe of all good things tofbaddin' out thegooaneJsofGod, thisma- nifef$s an infaniteneß?fgood in him: so inas much as the Scripture m4 s uíeafall kind of Evil things, only tott andfhaddow out theevil in fin ; this males it ap- pear there is a kind of inftnitenrf3of Evil in it,: As thus, That all thofe Creatures,Viners, Serpents, Dogs, Cockatrices, Dragons, Wolves : all dead ly Creatures theScripture makes ufe of but to fhaddow out the evil in Sin. As if the Holy bhofihould fay, do you fee any evil in filch Creatures that youaccount theworfl : put them all together, and that is in Sin and more. So take all. kinds ofuncleannefs,the vomit ofa dog, tnenPruoús Cloaths, all this clothbut Ihaddow out the evil in sin. Look atfickneffes, leprofies plague, and death i* felf, and darknefs, any hidioucevil, all thefe do but fhaddow out the evil of Sin. We might mention many more tc (hewyou theevil of Sin. And in that theScrip ture makes ufe of fo many evil things to (hey. tht.