Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

359. The Evil of Evils, or the the evill of Sin. This thews Sin hath a kindof infinitenefs in it. Seventhly, As Gods infinitegeoclneß isletout thus, that he is' his own Happinefs' and ,Bleffidriep in this God doth'appear to be infinitely good i beaufe he is his own goodand happinef?, there is no higher good to be `the goodnißofGod; no higher I leffedntfßto be theblet- fednef of Godbut himfe: f; becawfé he isinfrnitlygood andblefféd. So the Scripture. Pets out tous the Evilof sin byit felt; becaufe there is,no greater evil tofetsin out by, but by itfelf: Therfore this thews there is a kind of infinitenefs ofevil in Sin. And thereforeyou have that of Rom, 7.1 2. dos that then that wad. good made death to me ? Godforbid, but Sin that it might appear fin working death in me by that whichwasgood: that Sin by the Cmm.rr dement' might become:EXCEEß7INFG SINFUL. fle clothnot fay that fin might appear tobe. Excee ding,miferable : but that it might become Excee- ding sinful. So that theCnfulnefs of Sin is that which letsout the evil of Sin more than any o- ther thing cloth. It was theSpeech of the Hea- then Seneca, 'It is the pzmifhrnent of sin, to have Sin .: So it is the reward of' Vernies to have them. Codline fs in it felf is the Excellency of a man ; and Sin in it Pelf is themiferyofa man : and this is a Proof ofthis, That there is a kindof infinitenefsofevil in Sin. Now then by all there Seven l)ifcoveries of theevil in Sin, having a kind ofinñnitenefs in it this one thing comes fully and powerfully from them; That for to fall into fin again, and for w be prevailedwithal by any fuch temptation as