Exceeding Sinfiïlnefs' of Sin. this, Oh it isnogreat matter, if I do no worfe than this, I hope it is well, andothers do worfe : I fay, to yield again to the commiffionof any fin upon fuch a temptation, is a great wickedt nefs. What doff thoumake any cörnparifon in fin, and ufe any Inch words, when thoti haft heard it, or read it proved to thee, that Sin bath a kindofinfnite.nefs ofevil in it. Nay, which t thought tohave fnifhed here, but cannot now come to it, but {hat in thenext Chapter Phew the reference Sin bath to theDevil; this thews the greatnefs of Sin above all' Evils : "S n is that whichmakes theSoul conformable to theDevil. Affiidions dothnot, theymake the foul confor- mable to Jefus Chrift : I fuppofe youknow that place, Phil. 3. ro. mark there the difference be- tween Sin and Affliction; Paul there accountedall things dunganddroffor the Excellency of the know- ledg ofChriJi and what more ? That he might be foundin him, and that he might knowhim, and the power ofhis refurreïfion, and thefellowfhip of hisfore- rings being made conformable unto his death. Redid defireabove all things tohave the fella::: i p ofhis fuferings, and to be conformable to his death he accounts all the world as dung and drofs to s, be conformable toChrift by Afflictions, or fu _ rings.. It is true, it may be manyaccount', the world tobe nothing,to be conformabl toChrifi in Glory in°Heaven.. But hereChe work of .. Grace (and' I befeech 'you': this in the conclufon, and carry it aW.r. That a in heart accounts all the wort,' dye and droftobe con- formable to efrrCh rYinhisfufferingr; there is f° much 355