Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

;i56 The fr vzc uf Evzís , Or tiee much t xcellencie and glorie in the '- n:-terings cTT JefusChrilt. Now 3 ou fee the wide differenc. betweenAf$iEtions and Sin : Sin makes a man conformable to the Devil; Afflictions make a man conformable to Jefus Chrif}. I would have fhewed wherein, in feveral Particulars; how finmikes us conformable to the Devil : will but name this one now, and that which might be enough to make every foul out of lovewithSin, in that bySin thou joyneft with theDevil, and confpireft with theDevil againff God himfelf. There is no Creature th:;t is a gainít God, but Men and Devils : The Devil was Cods firft Enemie, and nowman comes in and confpires with the Devil. Now we account it agreat evil ifyou had a Child ; and if there were but oneTraitor in the Common wealth, and you hear, OhmyChild is joyned With this Traitor,and confpirethagainfi meand theStare. Before finful Man, there was but one fort offin- ful Creatures in the world, theDevils : now by Sin, Man comes in, and ioyns inconfpiraciea- gainftthebleffedGod:, and fo one Generation after another : perhaps. the Father comes and confpires with theDevil, and then the Child; and foalong in a Suceefflon. And this fhould tome neer our hearts tohumble us for our fins and wickednefs, that in thiswe be thofe that of all-Creatures that ever Godbath made, confpire with the Devil againft the bleíièd God, the Fountainofall Good. Tin ti