Exceeding Sinfzslnef. ofSin. ***It:044,Wttlt, T H E SIXTH. PART OF THIS TREATISE. CHAP. XLIII. Sin makes a man conformable to the Devil, opened in Six (Particulars. Firif, Sin is of the fame Nature with the Deuil. Secondly, Sin h from the Devil. Thirdly, Sin hafurtheranceof the `Devils'I{ingdonz in the World : For i 'By Sin weoppofe Chrift.r de- fhoying the `Devils'I{ingdonz in the World. z 'BySin thou op ofefl thyprayers when thou prayefl, ThyKing- domcome. 3 'Bygoing onina way offan, thou beco- meflguittyof allthefinin the World. Fourthly, Sin- ningh afulfilling thewill of theDevil. Fifthly, Sin fells the Soulto theDevil. Sixtly, Sin, it turns the Soul into aDevil. <He Sixt andLa{r Demon- 4'14 firation ofthe Evil ofSin. 414 fP Ito isfrom that reference Sin bath to theVevil. TheScripture fpeaks ofAfflgtions, that they make us conformable toChrifi; but Sin makes us conformable to the Devil. There are Six S f things