Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

358 The Evil ofE'vils, or the things to be - opened 'about this : 1 have men- tioned theFirft, which was this, That Sin was of thefame Naturewith the Devil everySin hath the fame kind of Malignity in it that the.Devil hath. But, Secondly, All sin, itis from theDevil, either Ori- ginally, or at leafl byway ofa Caine, helping itforward: Sin is the workof theDevil, - not only a joyning with him, but hiswork : therefore Chrift is laid to come to dií%lve the works ofthe Devil : Sin is from theDevil, therefore it is laid in Y John, 3.8. He that commitsfin isofthe Devil, for the Devil fnneth from the beginning; and to this purpofe the Son of man was minifefi, that he might defrroy the works ofthe Devil: He that commits fin is of the Devil, it comes from theDevil. And fo7ohn)8. 44. Brethren (thefe things which I fpeak ccn- cerning the reference Sin bath to the Devil, though theymay feemhard and harfh, yet) it isto be obferved, none fpeaks fo much of Sins coming from the Devil as john, who was ofthe moft loving, fweet Nature ofanyofthe Difci- pies ; andyet when he comes to fpeakofun, he fpeaks ofit in themolt harfh terms that poffibly can be-i fo that it comes not fromharfhnefs,but may {land with a loving and fweet Nature to fpeak offin intheharfheft terms that we cando : for yohn the moft loving, and beloved Difciple ofChrif t, fo full oflove 5 and yet none fpake fo hirfhly offin, efpecially in its reference it bath to the Devil, as he faithhere, Yoh. 8.44. Toteare ofthe Devil, andhis lull youwilldo : Thus Sin, the lufts ofSin come from the Devil, and it makes aman