Exceeding Sinfidneß ofSin. a. man ora woman to be theChild ofthe Devil : So the Scripture is clear it comes from him Ori- ginally; all Sin that is in you, is Originally the Spawn ofthe very Devil himfelf inyour fouls ; and originally it comes fromhim : as all Sin o- riginallycomes from his temptations and fugge- ffions, fo alto theDevil helps forward and fur- thers all fin that is inyour fouls, this is the evil of it. But here underffand this aright, TheDe- vil isnot fo the caufe of all Sin, as God is the caufe ofall Grace, not fo : It is true, the De- vil hath ahand in every Sin, but not fuch a hand in Sin, as Godhath in Grace; for God hath fuch a hand in thework of Grace, that he doth not onlygive a principle ofGrace, but all the ope- rationofGrace is fo from him, as it would never ffir but by him, he gives the will to work and do all; the will and the deed are from him : But all Sin is not fo from theDevil, though ori- ginally it is, and the Devil puts it on ; yet we are to know, though the Devil now fhould tempt nomore, yet there is enough inthe hearts ofthen and women to fin againff God all manner offin, even from their own innate corruption that now is in them; iftheDevil weredeffroy- ed, Sin would not bedeffroyed : In Grace there is no power to work but by Gods working toge- ther with it; but inSin there is a power towork without the Devils working : though theDevil is forward enough to work with our corruption, yet I fay there is corruption enough in our hearts for towork al kind offin, though theDe- vil fhould not tempt us anymore; therfore we S f 2 muff -a.,.....r 359