Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

360 The Evil ofEvils, Or the muff not lay all upon the Devil, as many do; when they fall into any wickednefs, they will fay, this is theDevil, and layall the fault upon the Devil, and fo think to take it offfrom them- felves by laying it upon the Devil : No, know, though theDevil labors to further it what he can, yet there is fuch corruption inyou, that it would ftream forth from you though the Devil fir it not at all : therefore charge your own hearts as well as the Devil. In the work of Grace, we mutt give all the glorie to God; but in theworkofSin, we cannot allot all the fault to the Devil ; wearenot to takeany ofthe glo- rie ofthework ofGrace to our felves, but we are to take a great part, yea, forntimes thegrew. tell part ofSin toour felves : but however the Devil is the caufeofSin orig_inally,and helps for- ward to it. Thirdly, All Sin k thefurtherance oftheKingdom of the Devil in the World. You know that the Scripture faith, that the Devil is thePrince that rules in the Air, and is called the God of this World, becaufe he rules in the Childrenof dif- obedience. There is a Kingdom of the Devil let upby fin in theWorld,and maintained by fin in theWorld; it hath a fuccellion in, the World by fin : So that all fanners that continue in waies of fin, theydo what in them lies to uphold the Kingdom of the. Devil in the World, and the RuleoftheDevil in the World. r Therefore men infin, areexceedingoppofite to the End o Chrifis c^ming in the World : fe r it is ariasEnd in coming into theworld to diflòlve the