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Exceeding sintu!neß ofSin. 36r theKingdomoftheDevil, as you had it before in r john, 3. 8. It is an e1pecial End why Chrift came into the world, for to bring down the KingdomoftheDevil, and yet thouby finning upholdeft theKingdom of the Devil; fo thou doff what in thee lies tooppofe and refìft the ve- ry Endof Chrifis coming into the world. There is very much in thisconfideration tohumble the heartsof all wickedmen for fin ; thouhaft lived inacourfe of fin it may be many veers; now Brethren know,theLordcharges thee with this, this day, That all this time that thou haft lived in a courfe offin, thou haft done what in thee lies to oppofe the EndofChriftscoming into the World; that if thou cou1deft thou wouldefi hinder tfie end ofthe death ofChrift, and of all that he hath done : for the efpecial end why Chrift is come into the World, it is to diflolve the work oftheDevil; and thoukeepeftup the workoftheDevil. 2 Again, it follows hence, That thou dal di- redly contradiCte thy own Prayers : When thou prayeft, Thy Kingdom cwoe, in the Lords Prayer, thou prayeft there that the Kingdom of Chrift might come : but in every wayoffin that thou takefi liberty in, thou doff oppofe theKingdom ofChrift : How dolt thou take the NameofGcd in vain, and mock God in this Prayer ? Every wicked man and woman in the world mocks God in praying theLords Prayer,when they fay Thy Kingdom come, and yet live in fuch waies as upholds theKindemof the Devil, inftead of theKingdomofChrift. 3 Yea