The Evil of Evils, or the Dori. fa! eared Evil) Job T.T. Andyet Eli Beaks here' to this effeer againft him, That he chofe iniga tyrather than Atllifrion; that he fhould fee left Evil in Sin, thenhe did in Athiétion that for his Afl,i.`tionhe was troubled bút for hisSin he was not Afieted; that the burthenof his Afii0.ion lay heavy as a talent of I. ead.upon him, but his Sin was lighter than a Feather. Or thus, Thou haft Chofen Iniquity, rather than Affli lion whereas God requiresof thee togive himglory in thy humble fubmiflìon untohim in thy Pati once, under his 'mighty hand-, thou haft behaved thy fcl fflubbornly and ftou*ly, and haft denyed to give God the glory ofhis Soveraignty, Ma je fly, Holinefs, Juftice, and Purity; and this thou haft Chofen rather than tobe content to lie un der the AfliiCtinghand of God : which way fo ever it be taken, it was a heavie Charge had it been true So for it to be alleadged agar* anySouls,That theyChufe iniquity rather than Aftlilfion, is a great and heavy Charge. TheDoerrinal truth which atifeth from the words thus opened, is this, That it is a vey. tv.! Choicefor anyfoal sender heaven, toehoofethy leaf Sint rather then thegre:zre!l Affiietten. Better be and the greateft Attittion then be under the guiltm- power ofany Sin : it ïs true that neither 5in,no; AflliEtion is to be Chosen:Affli `lion in it felt is an Evil,and Sin is an Evil) but the nbie`t o theWill is good,and choice is ofthe Will, therforenei Cher barely conldered as in themfelves)'anbt. chofen,; but bec'ufe Come Evils, the lets in compatifonof thegreater, may .comeunder a t-1,0 inn