Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils , cr the you tit ould hear the dreadful and hideous crye- and fhreeksof thofe that are under fuck foul amazing, and foul-fnkingtorments through the wrath of the Almighty; yet I fay there is more evil in one finful thought, than there is in all thefeeverlaffing burnings:and that is-that which I fhal endeavor toclear andprove to everymans Confcience, that we fl al not only fee it an ill Choice that we chufe fin rather than affliction, but (ifit come incompetition) to chute fin ra- ther than al the tortures and tormentsof Hell, howfoever manyof you admit of finupon very eafie terms; yet the truth is, That if it fhould come into competition whether we would en- dure al the,torments that thereare.in- Hell - to-all eternity rather than to commitonefn, I fay, if our Spiritswere as they,fhould be, wewould ra ther be willing to endureal thofe tormehts,than commit the leaff fin. And Brethren do not think this is a high frrain,fox I that corn to fpeak in the NameofGod;come not to (peak Hyperboll'ical ly, to raife Expreflionv higher thanthe things are intheir reality no, I come not for that end, and I (ironic] take theName of God in vain if I fhoulddo.fo, therfore ï dare not rai le things be-; yond that which they are in reality in them felves.: Therfere know, Whatfoever'I fl al fay untoyou in this thing, that theyare not Words or Exprelìons,but I (peak as in thenameof G-'d as I would take it upon mineown Confcienre, having to deal between God and vol in this great work , and in this piare to deliver this truth. 1 hat there is more evil in the 1t a girt, than