Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Excee.ltn Sinfulxefs' ofSin. 421 and stirring , though hewere aítonithed before. !fit had beenmelancholly, hisheart wouldhave fate{till then; fo that trouble ofConfcience puts lite into the Soul inPrayer. And fo it makes the foul arrive in meditation, and contemplation; melancholly peoplebedull, and heavie, and, know not how to meditate, nor what tomedi tateon I hole troubled in Confcience, Oh what quick thoughtshave they about God, &Chriít, and eternity, and the law, and fin ; and their,, fouls work about fuch objcds, that they can have no help unto from their bodies and fenfes, and yet their fpirits are railed higher than be fore, in their workings And fo when they come tohear the Word, Oh how active be their fpirits; in catchingof the word, and at every truth. I appealto you that are troubled, what difference there is between your fpirits now and what they were before you were troubled for fin, before you came to the Congregation, to fee And be teen, and wondered what men meant to be fo earn&; and now; you mark e- very truth, and catch hold of every fertence, and mark themindofGod,and underhand what is laid : before you came and heard , and rever underttood what was meant by fuch and fuch things; you taw the Minifter earneít, but you couldnot conceive what the man meantinhis etrneítnefs, but nowyou feewhat he means his earnef nefs, and underfand what weight is in thole truths, you hear revealed : this is fom- what like, when the fpirit is thug ftirred,-'and ác ed in Prayer, and Hearing. Arid in Conte- Ccc rence,