Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

422 The Evil ofEvils, Or the rence, when youwere in Conference withgood men, before,Conference about good things was dry, and adull thing, and you favored not the thingsconfered on, but prefently wereafleep : but now,ifyou comewhere there is Conference of God andhis Word, and Chriff, and the like, your mind clofethwith this. If you were only melancholly, this would make you more dull and heavie, but this makes you more lively and active., therefore there is a great deal of difference. Lafily, Trouble ofConfcience cannot be cured as Melancholly ir. Melancholly many times is worn out with time, andPhyfick cures that, and out-' wardcomforts andcontentments curesthat,but troubleofConfcience.is a woundofa higherna- ture. As Francis spiraPaid, when they brought Phyfitians, and thought it trouble of body ; Alas poor men, they thinkto cureme by Phyfick: Ah it is a- nother manner ofmalladie,and tnufl have anotherman- ner ofmedicine thanPlaers and Drugs to cureafain- tingSoulandspiritforsin. Confcience muffhave Gofpel Antidotes; therefore you that thought you had trouble ofConfcience for Sin, and you arenow eafed, or perhaps not fomuchtroubled now asbefore; lookbackwhat curedyou,how comes it to pafs you be lefs troubled than be- fore ? hath time worn it away ? Inch a Sermon, and fùchapprehenfìons of fuch a truth, darted into youmightily) and troubled you you had fuch troubles, but what hath cured you ? many times one can give up account. but this, Sure timehathworn.it away; iffo, thenit vasnota right