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Exceeding Sinfnlnefr ofSin. right trouble. So it may beyou tookPhyfick, your bodywas troubled befog now it is live- ly, and more blood in your veins; more fpirit now, andmaybe nowyour affiiition is takena- way, and this bath cured you : if therebe no other tt Ouble than this, certainlyyou knownot what trouble of confcience means, at lea ft not in a laving way ; either it was not trouble of confcience at all, or elfe it is not cured aright, but as the thorn that lies rottingand rankling in the flefh 5 a thornwhen it firft gets in, puts one to a great deal ofpain; perhaps ifit be let alone, thepain will be over for theprefent ; butit lies rankling, and will put you to painafterward, if it be not cured : So of trouble of Confcience for Sin, and if nothing have cured it, but thefe things, it is like the thorn in the flefh, and will trouble youafterward. There is another tan- ner of Cure,for it is the greateft thing Codcan do to-comfort a troubledConfcience, it nutfl be theblondofChrift applied by theholyChof1; it muff be a platfler made of the blond of Jefus Chaff, andapplied by the holy Ghoft toCure this. And therefore I befeech you confider what bathbeen laidabout this Argument; and as the Tfabnifi faith Blefled is the Man that wifelyconfiderethof thepoor, fo I fay bleffed is theman and woman, that wifely confidereth of thefe troubles 5 in this, dont caft, it upon your children,& friends, Oh, they be fröward,or mad-men, or melancholly Oh do not fay fo. You that are acquaintedwith ftorms and tern- pefts, you think them dreadful, it maybe force Ccc 2 of 4'23