Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

424 The Evil of'Evil( ._ Or t!le of your friends have larely t, nown what dread- j ful il-orms there h ve been ; now ifany ofthem Mould make relationof it, and another íhould fay, this is bùt à conceit, anda fancy, and no re- allity but a dream ; wou'd you think rhefe men - fpake like wife men? Certainly, if any florin you have met withal at Sea bath terror in it, know, ftorms in Confcience hath a thoufand times more than trorrns at Sea : Therfore when you fee any troubled in Confcience for fin,, fear and tremble, let your Confcience ¡hakeat it, andmake ufe oftheir trouble. I remember. a Rory of "one Vergeriva that came to comfort Francis Spira, andhe carne tocomfort him as o,. ther men did ; but he faw fuch dreadfulnefs upon Fran,*Spira, that it ftruck terror in his Soul, that he left his Bif.opprick, and went to Bail, and became a famous Proteffanr. Thus `when we hear oftroubles of Confcience, flight it not, hut let the fear ofGod be uponyou; go and renounceSin. Oh if fome of nur friends did know what flighting ofa troubled Coufci- `ence were, it would make them do as he did ; though hehad a rich Bithopprick, he renounced all. And thus we have donewith this.Firft Life: 4,41131400044 1392+00141 CRAP.