Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sin tr ne'S of Sin. KWAPA4AttAPntAA`01. CHAP. I.III. ASecond2 f e font the whol Treatif, fl'ewing. that a mot may he in a m f mferablecoati n, though he . be delivered from outward aff lhhlion. Firfi, ifa man beprafreróusby:fin, ifaman raitehimfelfta a profperozls conditionbyany 'nful tray, let *la men: confider three things: i What kgot byfin, it -colt dear. 2 u "hat is got by .(in, is acct./yidto thee. 3 If7tiat is gotbyfin, nmft be calf away, or thy foul is calt arr..y.. Secondly, When men come to be morefitful by their profperity : explained in three Part' lars : i Whenprfperity is f tr their fin. ' 2 ¡1 l en itgi-es menfurther liberty tofn. 3 When it hardensin f n. E are yet upon the great.Dóél-rine o{' theEvil of'Sin, (hewing that there is more evil in Sin than in any affli&ion.' Many thingsyou knowhave been de- livered in theExplanatory part ofit, wherein have endeavored to fet before you thevilenefs; of 1ìn, topaint it out untoyou in the true colors ofit, as I was able : Andhaving fet Sin before you in the vilenefl of it we have begun the A pFlicatory part ofthis Point, to draw force Colle&ions by way ofUfe from what bath been raid concerning the dreadful Evil of Sin. I havefnitsed the firrt Ufe_ I fhallnow proceed'. to Second: tife _ 2 : 425