426 The Evil of Evils , or the Zfe 2. And that is this, If there be fuck dreadful evil in Sinaboveall Evils of Afffi&ion, Hence then itfollows, that a manor woman maybe in a mo, f ,miferahle condition, a, miferable eflate although they bedeliveredfromafflic ion I fay, It is pofïblé for amanor woman to be amoft miferablecrea- ture, though they have no outward afi&ion ; yet their conditionmay bevery miferable, be- caufe there is evil enough in Sin to make one miferablewithout afiCtion. Moftpeople in the worldknow no other miferies than that miferie that comes byaffli&ion, and they make af$ieti- ons to be theonly rule and meafure ofamifera- ble condition : fomuch afiêted, fo miferable is their eflate; and fo little aflli&ed, fohappie is their .eftate : They think that thofepeople that aredelivered from affliífion, arehappiepeople; and thofe people that are under affliction, are miferable people; Oh he hath loft his effete, fuffered íhipwrack, hath grievousdifeafes inhis bodie, isput in prifc* , and fo lives miferablyall his dates thus people look uponmen and wo- men in aflli&ions as iftheywereonly miferable. Before I have done with this Ire, I fhall I hope, convince you, That it isnot affliction, yea, all affli&ions, miferies, troublesoutwardly, do not make us miferable, but only fin; where there is molt fin, there is:moft tniferie, though lefs af- flition. It is a great miffake in people to judg ofhappinefs or unhappinefs by thefe outward things : You (hall have many people when they fee men and women very poor, that have no houfes, nor clothes,nor meat and drink, that are fain 1