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Exceeding SinfulneJ ofsin. 421 fain to work hard for their livings, that are fick- ly and weak, Oh theybe ina pitiful condition : but when they fee others provided of houles and land, that have attendance, and aregorgi- ouflyattired,brave diet, and good trades; thefe behappy men. Now the Point that path been opened to yott, will ferve to reetifie your judg- ments in thefe things, and not to make atfliti_ ons or no aífliltions tobe the ruleofhappinefs; ,but to make fns, or no <fin-; or lets fin, to be the rule of judgingof the happinefs ofour con- dition. It was the Speech ofLuther, one drop of an evil Confcience is enough tofwallow up all the joyes in the world, alltheprofperity in the world : There is fo much evil in fin, thatthough a-man orwoman had all the joyes and profperitie that poffibly the world can afford, yet one drop of an evil confcience, the guilt ofone fin in anevil confci- ence, is enough to fwellow up all, andmake this man miferablein the height of all profperitie. Let a manbe railedup as high'asthe world can raife him, let upona Throne, having aScepter inhis hand, and a Crownupon his head, having all thePomp and Glorie the world can afford; yet iffinful, yea, ifhe havebut theguilt ofany oneSin uponhis Spirit, this man is a miferabl man. But letanyone be aspoor as job, and`fit- ting upon thedunghil fcrapinghis fores, ifdeli- vered from theevil offin, this man is a happie man. I remember a Speech ofAnfelm that I have read; That hehadrather beinMilwithoutfin, than in Heaven with fin : looking upon fin as fo great anevil, as iftobe ridof fin would make a man