a man happy under the torments of Hell : and beingunder the guilt of fin, it would make a man miferable, though in heaven. Certainly then the guilt ofSin, makes a man miferable nn al outward profperity;and the deliverance from Sin, will make a man happie under all outwarel atflitîionsand miferies. So though a man be pro fperous in his worldly efl'ate, yet ifSinful, tha bath enough in it to make a man miferable efpecially confidered in this, if there be : there twoBranches in it : I Firft, IfaWarn beprefperoas by Sin. Or, Secondly, &efnful 1yhisprrperity. Thenhe is indeeda miferable Creature not= withflanding all his profperity, I befeech you obferve it and it follows from the Point that bath beenopened, that there is fo much evil in Sin. As Firf1, Ifthere be fo much evil in Sin, Let a man be neverfoprofperous, ifprofperzty befisrthere.,i byfin, orfinfyrth. & redby profperity, IT nruf1 nGeds be a anall wretched m rerable Creature. Ifprofperity be furthered by Sin : as thus; If any man raife himfelf to any outward profperous eflate in a finful way, although theworld may judg fuch a manhappy, having his hearts defire fatisfied , yet it is moff certain, this man is a wretched man. As fuppofe a man get preferment by a finful way, Oh his heart is eagerly defrous to get,,np toPreferment, to get Livings and Efate in theworld, and he doth f}rain his Confcienct for it; and when there is a Sinbetween him and his Preferment, he will get over theSin, he wil s , climf