Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sinfulneßof sin, climb and fcamble over this Sin toget the Pre ferment ; rather than lofe the Preferment, he will fcamble over Sin, and go.through Sin unto his Preferment : fo eagerly de irons aremen off' Preferment, that though Sin be between them . and their Preferment, they will break through, they will break through the hedg but theywill gain it. Oh how many Schollers, and others, efpecially fuch whole Educations have been mean, when they fee any way of Preferment,' Livings, or E Rates, though they have forceSin between them and referment, howh; ve they got it, and think themfelvs fate when theyhay got Livings and Preferment : Oh'rhefe men b miferable,and there'ore.tniferable becaufe pre -` ferred, becaufe profpered in their heartsdefire And fo for men that get riches and eftates other-, wife than by right, by deceit and oppreflion,in any finful wicked way; it 'troy be now they, have got fair houles, and well furni hed, and means coming in, and they biefs themfelvev and thinknow they be happy; yea, and others allo, they think them happy, and live bravely in the world: but ifyou knew all, you would look upon thefe men as moll wretched curfed Creatures. Certainly thofe men will one day curfe the time that ever they had fuéh an eflate, and will with rather, that theyhad begged their bread fromdoor to door, than have gut their e- ftate by fin. "-Seeing there is fo much evil inSin, let thefe men confider thefe things. Such as have Profperity by Sin, let them confider, 7hv thy Profferity,oh it cofi ditinexceiclingdeer Ldtl.?lßr :a"