4 .10 The Evil of Evils , Or the ifthoumake up thy reekgning, andput all inthat it co, I thee, you n. illfindyou be no gainers at all. When wenhave got any thing in poilei`iion,.they ufual- Iy reckon, I but, what did this colt me ?_ thus uch, or thus much; and if they fee. that the cofts and charges comes not fo highas thebene- fit, then they applaud themselves as gainers. Well, you have gotten Elates, Preferinents, Honors, be it what it will in the world; but what did it cofi you ? Some fin or other, did younot Efrain your Confcience in that benefit you have got ? And ifdid fo, certainly ifthisbe put in the reckoning, if there were any fin init thouhall got nothing.iby< the bargain.:.: What hope hath a hipocrite though he bath gained ? thoughhe may feem to have gained his own heartsdefire yet ifall be reckoned,put in what Sin it cos, and there is no gainat all. Ifanyof you Ihould go toSea, and when you come there, ,vou fuller íhipwrack; and yet thou makefi a íhift toget home, byboat or force other way, Paving your life, and when you come home, you have brought a_toy or trifle toyour wife.; now bath this been a good voyage? do you reckon this a good voyage? perhaps it was for a toy you fuffered fhipwrack, andyou bring this home; do you think this= willmake the voyage goodwhen you have call up your reckoning? How many men and women in the world- for trifles and toyes,fuffer [hipwrackofa goodCon- fcience ? 'when you look upon that you have got, it isbut ,trifleanda toy; you might have been happie withoutit, andyou have ventured íhipwrackj