Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulne.p of Sin. 431 fhipwrack of a good Confcience for this ; do you think your profperitie to be delighted in that you havegot in finful, and vile evil waies ? I remember the Prophet whenhe carne toAhdb, whenhe had gotten Naboths 'Vineyard by moft curfed,finful, wickedwaies, I Kingi;2 i.19. God bad himgo and meet Ahab, and fay, What hall thou killed, andgottenpoffiliion ? Asifthe Prophet fhould lay, Oh wretched man that thou art, tliou'haft gotten pofleffionoftheVinyard, but haft thoukilled, and gottenpoffellion ? So may I fay toaniewicked manor woman in theworld that bath got bywaies of fin 5 What haft thou finned, and gottenpoffeffion ? lyed, and gotten poffeffion ? cozened and cheated, and gotten poffeffion ? Doll thou think goodwill come of this ? art thou happie in theenjoymentofthis ? Well, 2 Know, Whatfoever thou ha f 1gotttn"byfin, it k arcurfeclto thee: Thou rnaieft look upon every bit ofbread thou eateft, that thouhaft got by finful waies, look upon it as havingdeath in it and everie draught ofbeer, tk wine, thou drin- keft, thou maieft look upon it; as having the ]wrath of the Almightie mixed with it. You have gotan Eftate, perhaps you were poor,and, meanbefore ; but now you have wronged, and cheated, and cozened others in finful waies, and now youhaveyour tables furnifh't, and can, go, to the Tavern, and drink : in this meat and drink of thine, there is the wrath and dirkof God.. Suppofe a man had ftollena garmentsand ! l it proved tobe in a houlethat had' the plague::: 1 Ddd i' ''- fuppgfe