; 2 a be Evil of Evils, Or the fuppoié a theef got intoa houfe that bath tl;e plague, and bath got cloathes, and perhans the bed-cloathes ofone that diedofthe plague, and ifone tel him what they be, canhe havede!ight in them ? perhaps hepath them upon his bed, 1 ut the plague is in them. Certainly whatfoe- ,e. anyofyou in all, your lives, have got byand way of fin, theplague is in it : that is a certain truth, there is the plague, the verycurie ofthe Almightie in it. 2 Therefore, Whaaf®ever° is got by fn, it mill be ca/I away, or elf; thyfoul k tali away : It mutt be re ffored again, there muff be.reftitution made to theutmolt ofthy power, for any thing gotin a finful way ;. for there is fomuch evil in theway of fin, that Godwill not have any usan by any means in the world, enjoy comforts that come that ways Godhimfelfloth fo hateSin, andhe would have all his people fo hate Sin that he wouldnot have any one in the world have any comfort by Sin.. Therefore as loon as ever anie ones Confcience comes to be enUghtened,toun derffand what Sin means, ifthey find that there be any thing in the house got in afinful way . they can never be quiet til theyhave render'd it back again., the fight of it ffrikes terror into. them , they cannot endure to come into the room to fee that got in a finful way. There have been tome have.eot much by wales of Sin, and.when they, have lain upon their. lick and deathh§ds,,ançJconfcienceawakened, Oh they havec i ,fgfppo, , aite take them from my right ; theycouldnot bear fuch things in their fght,