Exceeding Sinfuneß of Sin. 433 sight, that they have got in the wales of fin. A, judos got thirtiepieces , out of a covetous hu- mor he wouldhave money, . and not be fo poor as theother Difciples, but he gets mony in a fin fill way : but when Confcience carne to he a- wakened, and terrified, he goeth, and a kind of vengeance goethwith him, hegoeth and throw eth it to the Scribes and Pharifees; he throws them down, theywere to hot for him, he could not indure the fcading' of them in his Con. fcience, they were even as it were melted in his Soul, he could not keep the thirtiepieces; they were fo terrible tohim. So certainly that's thy 30. peeces,=anyhotifhold ftuffe, any thing thou haft gotin a fìnful way, oh it will be terrible to yi?uone day. I befeech you, brethren take noticeof it, anyone that bathgot by wáiés of finanie thing,it is not enoughto the falvation of that foul that it hath been never fo much fòrrowful ; all the forrow in the world, and repentance thou canft have for fin, will not fave thy foul, except thou doff reftore, except reflitution, to the utmoft of your abilitie be made,you can never have comfort and aífurance that fin is pardoned. It i3 an old fpeech of an ancient,' The Sin is not remit ed, till that taken areal be 'reftored. ï here are mane men and women. they think if they can get anie thing by finful waies, they will repent, and pray to God fore forgivenefs, and be forrie, and yet` keep that gotton ina finful way. No, that will not fery the turns all thy praying toGodwith never f0 i'i*h`fhrrtsw, yet there muff be reftitutionof