Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

, The Evil o Evil.r,qr the =what you-have gotton to theutm.oll of your Abilities;, though -the; partie bedead, you m ufl not keep.it .:. Suppoí'e whonifoever:; you have wronged aredead, youmull not keep it if they haveanieheirs, cr_:executors; fuppofe you knownot them, then you mull give: it to the poor, You mutt be ridof it. So much rain and evil is in fin, that anie thing that comes byway of fin muff :not be kept. And this is not fo ftratigea-:thing:but that the heathen have been convinced of it .I:remember a lorie of a hea- then that did but owe toa,Shoomaker for a pair of Shoos, and no bodie knew he owed it, when the Shoornakérrwas dead, he thought tofaveit 3 but his Confeienée was fo troubled> though the man was dead, and no bodie couldcharge:him with it, that he couldnot fieep, or rett, and be quiet, but rifeth with amazement and trouble in the night, and runs to theShoomakers houle, and throwsthe Money in, and faith, Thoughhebe dead to others,yet he k alive to Pie. Ifa heathenhad fuch convi&ions of Confcience, that he mutt not keep that which was gotton by fin, ifhe couldfeetn fo finful, that what was gottenby Í n muff be calf out; furelyi youChriffians;, riuft be fo wife ; Oh confider this, youareamulti- tude, come together,. is there never a ma or womans Confcience now in the prefenée of God, that tell§ them, That there is fometling that they have gottenby fuch a finful way. Now this is thechargeof God to you upon your fpi? ritsivfThat as ever youdo expe& to find Mercie frotfír d `that you doforth with and imtnedi- atelie