Exceeding sinfulne of sin. 435 atelie ret'tore that 'Wlic i 'o& h`ive gotten. bÿ anie finful Way, it Will be yosur. bane, and:you_r ruine, yem will venture your lo'iíls el re that mutt be rebored,: car your rniiftgo for it and all your fo_rrpw end tróub1 will' not do, ezcept there bè`'réflOred, `thee be reftored"to your power .. eithc,r that. pr; fbmç 'other thing in lieu oflt, Yon Murk notthink to live upon fin. It may Le fervahWm their Mailers fe vice pilfered" and purloin , whatfoeverr`óú got for your felves, perhaps Yon "have (pent it but hereafter, either your fouls_mufi perirh, or elfe you mutt, ifGod-have made yoRablejefloreit, though itbe all dour eftatè , yòú be 4oiid tò cart up thofe 'tweet morsels you have; taken'. Therewas onceone thathad wronged a man in five Millings, and it was fiftie years after that wrong was done, that he Pent to there hinds of mine, thofe five [hilTrigs, and defired tñe'to re- {fore it; Confcience now did fo flinghim, that he couldnot injoy it. So though it be forties fiftie, or threefc.ore years ago, when you were yong, that yóu`did theWrong,You be boiind;a youdo ex:peft merde from God, tó reftorewhat youhave wronged, becaufe there can no pro- fperitie come in by fin,nogood,there is fo much evil in fin. This is the;Finit,, when,a man comes tobe pròfperoiisby Sin,` thenshe may bei`ifex= ablenotwithftandinghis profperitie. Secondly, When a man come- to befiñfdby'Fro f ierity ; A,s whenaman comes to Ftofper'by. fief fowhenSincomes in by Profgeritie : . nd'fof #lïis, Th a tinfidératiansli;ketd n forrré= times ._'..:.