436 The Evil of Evils, or the timescomes in, by Profperitie, a man is more sinful, becaufe moreProfperous; cerrainlie this manmay be miferable notwithftandin.ghisPro fperitie As, Firft, Ifhere Pr,°feritievt fuelfor fin. Second' y, When it gives themfurther licenfe, and liberty to f n. Thirdly, When it more hardens thesemfr. Certainle this man,though he he freed from Ail-lit-lions all his daies, yet is a moil miferable man ; becaufe he is delivered from Altliéti cans. I He comestohaveProJerityfuelforfn : That is, matter for fin to work upon; fo that Profperitie+ nourithethand fattens up fin. As manie men,be eaufe theyhave Profperitie, their fins grow to a mightieheight by Protperitte : Profperitie is fuel for Lutt, fattens your malice, and occafi óns pride. Were it not he had inch an eftate as he:hath, anda healthful lufrie bodie, then he couldnot be guiltie of fo much Luft, unclean- nefs, drunkennefs, pride; fo much malice and revenge; the more Goddoth deliver them from Af hiaions, ficknefs, povertie, the more feuel bath he for fin, wickednefs, and the lirasof his heart to burn upon, and grow up to a flame. As, it is witha bogie, thofe humors ofthebodiie,are ! matters for thedifeafe to grow upon , and feed the difeafe; , theybe no good to the bodie, mifchief to it : fome men have great bigarm a ,I s, but what bignefs is it? a bignefs that ex?,14 by e dro ; fies fuck humors their Wales, kciiirt,111 of th rn they feed the difeafe of