Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceejzno Sinffù1nefs' ofSin. of the bodie : now be there humors anie fuch things as that we fhould rejoice in? dothey: make for the good of the bodie? they make for the bignefs, but not the goodnefs of thebo die.. So anie mans eftate, that makes matterto . feed luft upon, andnodriïh and grow uponthis;' fuch a man is fo much the more miferable, by howmuch the more Profperous he is : as ufual-: lie wicked men, through themalignitie intheir hearts, they do make all their Profperitie tobe nothing elfe but nourifnment for luft tobreed' on. As it is with a gracious heart, it will turn al things he doth injoy, to bematter for his grace towork upon,and to further the work ofgrace fo a wickedheart will turn all he Both injoy, to be matter for his luft to work upon; and to fur- therhis luft the excellencie of grace appears in theone, and the malignitie of fin appears in theother. Now if finbe fo great an evil, then whatfoevera maninjoys, if it bea furtherance of fin, and nourifh fn, it makes him the more miferable, a miferablecreature; thougha pro fperous man, yet this mansmiferable, becaufe hisProfperitie makes himmore finful. 2 IfhisProjcritie dothgivehimfatrther liberty in Sin ? As thus, Manie men that be poor, be uicklíe reftrained., theyhavemanie reftraints, alas, they be afraid the I_aw will get holdof . them if they be drunk, or unclean, he is quick - lie reftrained 5 may be he dares not for fear of the'difpleafure of fome friend he depends-up- on ;, a hundred things keeps inmen in azifiion from taking their libertie in Sin, whichother Eee wife 4R7 MI inso