45 The Evil of Evils, Or the wife his heart would have committed, where- as, a man Profperous in the world, takes liber- tie, and who fhall controule him ? he will be drunk, andunclean, and break theSabbath, and who darescontroule and fpeak to him ? and I befeechyou obferve this, manie men account that thegreateft happinefs of Profperitie, that by this means they may come to have their wils, their finful wills, that they {hall live without controul in the fatisfying their finful lufts ; this they account the happinefs of Profperitie. This isa molt abominable curled happinefs, to ac- count the goodof Profperitie to confift in this, That it gives more libertie to fin ; Oh it is a molt Peftelentious Power that inables to do mifchief, to hurt ones own foul, or others: So that is a rnoftpefteferous ettate& condition,that gives a man libertie to fatisfie his lulls the more. Brethren, confider of this, it is a molt dreadful curie ofGod upon a man, that Cod wil' leta mango on fmothlie in wales of Sin, with- out controul; that he fhall have libertiewithout controul; if there be anie brand of Reproba- tion that one maygive, this is it, as black a brandas canbe given, that God fullersa man to goon fmootbly in fin withoutanycontroul,that hecanhave full libertie. It is a fpeech of Bar- nard:, Therefore doth God 'lure theRich, becaufe his iniquitieisnot found only to DISPLEASt) RE, but to HATRED; becaufe God is not onlie nowAngry, but he Hates him forSin : that isa SpeechofBarnard, Therefore doth God fpare rich, and deliver manie wicked men from