Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sinfdnefs of Sin. tfíition, becaufe Sin is grown to the height, that it is above Gods Difleaf.tre, God may be difpleafed with his children forSin, but hedoth not come toHate them ; they be not children of hatred, becaufe of infirmities but now when God fuffers a wicked man to go on fmoothlie without anie atlli&ion in his way of Sin, and fo take libertie in Sin, this mansSin it is tobe fear- ed is grown to the height, that it comes to the verie hatred of :God,not onlie todifpleafure. I remember Barnard in another place calls this kind ofmercie in-God, to deliver men fromaf- fli &ion in a finful way, he cals ita mercie more cruel than all anger, and vraies God to deliver him from that mercie. That is, That he íhould go onProfperoufy in a wicked way. And ifyou knewall, it would be one Petition toOod (you ina Profperousway, it would be one Petition you would put up toGod) everie day, oh Lotd, never let meproffer inafinful wayandcourfe, oh Lord, rather let any pt -lion be upon me, than that my fnaoothnefi inmymayfbould make myfinmore f fmooth anddelightful. I appeal to youMarriners, fup- pofeyouwere failing neer Rocks or fands, and were becalmed, till-you come -julÌ there where they are, and then youMouldhave a wind come full upon you, and fill your fails to the full,your fails perhaps are all up, and a wind comes that fills them to thefull with wind, I but this wind carriesyou direetlie upon the fands, orrocks, would you not rather have the wind a little more íÌi11? would you not rather have a half wind? or a fide wind? would you not rather Eee 2 have 439