Exceeding sin¡ailnefs of Sin. to s them to profptir andgo onapace; the way to life is full of tiutnbling blocks, but the way todefruc`iion is clear : thusGod deals with the wicked. Eut withhis Children, God will make the way to life andSalvation to bevery fmooth and clear ; The wayofthe upright is plain if the heart be upright, thole things others be of- fended at, and {fumble at, they be delive- red from thofe {fumbling blocks be taken away : gracious hearts find theWales of God linefs, plain, comfortable, and fmooth waies : But now, the waies of Sine to Gods Children, they be full of Rumbling blocks, there God is pleafed to lay (fumbling blocks ; when God feethhisChildren hanker afterfinful'waies,God' makes this let, and the otherlet, this a{fli&ion, and theotherafiliaion,; one thing or other they {hall find in Gods Providence to flop them in the way. Amofi excellent Promilefor this to the Children of God, when God was ina way of mercie to them, you have in Hofea, 2, 6, 7. There- forebehold, Iwill hedg up thy way with thorns, and make a wallthatfhefhb¬findher paths : ( ark) when God intends good tohis Cllurch, he pro- miles tohedgup the way, and wall it up; that is, the way to idols, that they íhnuld not find it fo eafilie as before : Oh take notice of this, Oh all ye Servants of God., when you have found yourheartshanker afer evil wales ; Oh the goodnefs of God, he hath laid ambling blocks in the wales of death; whereas others when they have come to thewaies of death, all is clear and fmooth before them, and they have their 441