442 The Evil of Evils, Gr the their hearts delire. This is the difference be- tween Gods dealings with his people, and the wicked. 3 As Profperitie is fuel for fin, and gives li- bertieto fin, So it hardens thehearts ofmen andwo men infin : As it is with the Clay, when theSun fhines upon it, it grows harder, mire and dirt grows harder with the fhining ofthe Sun ; fo wicked and ungodly men, their heartsgrow hard in thewaies offin, with the fhine of Pro- fperitie upon iL As the Iron is loft when the fire is in it, but harder when the fire is out; fo with men and women, in afliiCtion they feem loft, but they are the harder when out;again : We have a notable place for this, Yob, 21. from the 7. verfe, to the 4. there is a defcription of the profperous E1'rate of the wicked; now at the 14. verfe, fee how their hearts be hardned, Therefor.etheyfay to God, departfrom sis, we defire net the knowledg ofhis,way; becaufe he had laid be- foreofthem, Their hotfès areffo fromfear, nei- ther is the rod. ofGod upon them. Their bullgendreth andfailethnot theircow calveth and cafieth not her calf. Theyfendforth their little ones like aflock, and their children.dance. They take the timbre! and harp, andrejoyceat thefound ofthe organ. Theyfp nd their dalesin wealth. They live merrie, brave lives ; therefore their hearts be hardened in fin, that they fay to theAlmightie, depart from us, what need we theknowledg of God ? what need fo much preaching ? and fo much ado ? we defire not filch things. I befeech you mark, and ob- ferve what kindofmen thofe are, that fo flight the