Exceeding Sinf`neJ of Sin. the WordofGod, and difefreemofit 5 and that in theircarriage and anions, do as it were, fay unto God himfel , depart fromus; for fo it is, though it may be they think not fo, when the Word and Ordinances depart ; yet they do as much asifthey fhould fay to God, depart from us, we defire not the knoyvledg of thy way : 1 fay, obferve what kind ofmen thefe arc, not menunder Gods wrath, or aífliaions, oblerve what men they are,andwhen they fay fo, I fay; not when theybe underGodswrath, but thole that Iive inAuthorities and flourifh, and have delights and contentm'ents to the fíefh ; thefe fay, depart. I confefs, manypoor people that knownothingofGod, and that be meerAthe- ifas, that live all their daies in careerAtheifiaa, to hear them fay fo, it is no wonder: But I fpeak of men inlightened, and where, almoll, have you anie fo readie to fay, depart from us, let the Word and Ordinances depart , and that flight God in his Ordinances, as men do that are in the greateft Profperitie, that enjoycomforts, and brave lives, and have the world at willti Now let all fuch know, That though theymay biefs themfelves, and the world may biefs them; yet wo to them, when God faith, let thempro- fper in fin; Hofea, 4. 14. I will not punifhyour daughters when they commit iniquity: God threa- tens it as a Judgment not to afflict them. I re- member Origen upon that Text bath this note; Will you hearthe terrible voice ofGod? God fpeaking with indignation ? I will not vifite whenyou fin ; thishe calls the terrible voice of Gods. 4-13