444 The Evil of Evils, Or the God, fpeaking with indignation : This is the moft extream of Gods anger, when thus he fpeaks. And fo Luther bath fuch an expreffion, Wo to thofe men at whofefins Godcloth wink and con nive) and that have not afflictions asother men, And fo Ycrcm, inwriting to a friend that profpered in wicked waies, faith he, Ijudg thee miftrable, be- caufe thou art not miferable : So certainly, thole men are therefore miferable, becaufe they be not miferable 5 and it were a thoufand times better for thefe men, to lie under force heavie and dreadful affliEtion in this world. And this . is theSecond Life, If therebe fomuch evil in Sin,thena man maybe a miferable man,though -he benot an affli&ed man, becaufe there is e vil enough in fin alone tomake aman riferable without aáflidion. titilv*******14444442i2112 CH A P. git**4414**Multei&M