Exceeding Sinfulnefof Sin. 445 AIAMAAAAWMAAAAAAAMAIAAA CHAP. LIV. Ufe 3. ]f therebe fo much evil infin, then it's a mightymercy toget thepardon of f n. Life I I I. F there be fo much evil inSin as I y have heard of, then certain- lythious muftearneeds follow, That to get pardon offin is a mighty mercy. It muff needs be awonderful thing tohave the pardon of fin, to gettobe delivered from that which hath fo much evil, that is fo dreadful, it muff needs be very hard to beobtained ; grievous difeafes be very hardly cured. Certainly Brethren,--fhofe men and women that do think, that to get par- donof, and power againft fin, is a little or light matter I dare charge them as in the prefence ofGod, theynever yet knew what fin meant ; and all that I have delivered about the evil of fin, bathbeenbut as the beating of the air to them, tono purpofe, that yet make but light of thegreat work ofprocuring pardon for fin, and making peace with .God for their fin. If all the world were in .a eonfu.fon, turned intoa.Chaos,, we fllcuíd think it a great workofGod to bring all inframe and order again : Certainly it is a greater work of God, for to deliver the foul from the evil offin, and free the foul cfit, than F f it