Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

446 The Evil of Evils , Or the it:would be forto raife up the fragile of Heaven andEarthagain, ifall were turned intoa Chaos. Therefore-Numhers, 14. 17519. verfes, where ,Motes (peaks of pardon of in fee how Mofer (peaks ofit there.: And now I befeech thee (faith fie) let the power of myLord begreat, according ass thou- haft Borten, flying. What was this concer- ning which God had fpoken, that he would chew his great power in ? See the 19. verle, Par- don Ihefted) thee the iniquity of thispcopte, according to thegreatnefJofthy mercy : (Mark) let thepow- er ofmyLord begreat, and then pardon the iniquitieof thypeople : as if Mofs Mould fay; Oh Lord, this requires great powers the M- mightie power ofGod is required forpardoning ofiniquitie, as well as the infinite mercyofGod .Oh confider this, you that think lightly of gget- rtingpardon offin, this isthegreatefl bufinefs ir . the world, and certainly that foul that God` loth fet in goodearnerabout this work, toget the pardon of fin, that foul is the molt bufie Creature in all the world: never was the foul taken up abouta morebleffed work,fince it had á being; thanthis is; ifit under[tand what it is about, it takes up thewhol nrength of foul and bodie, when the foul is about fogreat a work : therefore you-that cometohave forge inlighte- nings tofhewyou theevil offin, and you be a-'. boutthatwork ofgettingpardon; Oh you had need intendir,'andworkmightily and firongly t indeed; for know this, you areabout thegrea- tef bnfinefs, thegreatenwork that ever Crea- 'turewasabout:in theworld;there is no creature in) ----- N