Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfi:lne of sin. .447 in all the worldwas ever about fogreat awork as thou art about; when thouart aboutthe get- tingpardon offan, thoubuilt need mind it, and followit,and not havethyheart takenup about other things , for it is the great work of the Lord, that infinitely concerns thee; Oh that men and womenhaddeer apprehenfons about the fweetnefs ofthiswork; 'tis true,Gods mer- die is aboveall our fins, and he isreadie topar- don, and to forgive ; buttheLord will havehis Creatures know,that it is thegreateftwork that ever he did : yea, andtake altogetherjuttifica- tionofa fanner, is as great awork as ever God did ; themeans that tend to it, and-the workof a foul about procuring pardon, is the .greateít< work that ever foul was about fo you muff` underhand it; and you cannot but underhand: it, ifyou underhand what hathbeen delivered. This is theThirdLife. SIVIOVI; tAVVIAMOV FIT 2 C'HAP. C444444.461.44.44.44