The Evil of Evils, Or the 1,2 ñc ° â'sSs°" e .H A p. L V. Life 4. If there befomuch evil infin, this juflifie the jlrilineß and eare of Gods People agaiuft fn. hoDireïlionsto tho¡e that make Confcience offinal fins. Firft, Be even inyour rcaies, fril againf all f n. Secondly, Beveryyeilding inall Lawful` things. [Ife I V. F there be fo much evil in Sin, I Hence then isjul ified theftridnef and care of the People of God againfi .fin. Theybeafraidofeverie fin, they dare not be fobold in the wales of others are, but they tremble; when any fin is prefented to them, theybe afraid, and tremble ; others go onbold ly, and prefumptuoufly, and laugh at fuch as be afraid ; Oh fuch fcrupulous Confciences! Oh they darenot do fuch a_thing becaufeads a fm they fay ! Oh they dare not by any means becaufe theydare not fin : thus others laugh at them, becaufe they think theybe more fcrupu lous than theyneed be, that fhould beafraid to do things fo little as they think thefe are. I be leech you obferve the perverfnefs of mens hearts; you {hall have them if men offend the Lawofman, thin that are in >Auth+nritie, the Commands ofmen, in things that they them- felves will profefs to be vene little, and final, then