Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnefs' of Sin. 449 then they w'll cry our offuch its Rebellion, and Rebels againft authoritie, and they are not wor- thieto live, and they would have the feveref punifhments that canbe, againfl them that will not obey mans authoritie in little things : but mark, thefe men that will fo urge finall things, and where they be fmall, theworfe the difobe- dience `fay they ) in disobeying in final] things. Yet there men that Teemeerie Confciencious in fuch things, when they feemen afraid to offend God, that dare not do little things if finful,dare not (peak an idle word) and be finfullie merrie as others are , that are afraid of intempe rance, and everie fmall thing, ( as they think) thefe menwill jeer fuch; what a horrible Sin is this ? -What! urge mans Authoritie in fnali things, and jeer thole that be Confciencious to Gods Authoritie in fmall things ! What flial the Authoritie ofman put weight upon final 'things, and not the Authoritie of the Almightie put weight in final' things ? Well, whatfoever they think, brethrengo on, and make Confcience of fmall things, and nevercall anie fin little, be- eaule youhave heard of fo much evil in it, go awaywith this impreffionof theEvil of Sin on your hearts; Well, by this I have heardof the ;Evil of Sin, I have learned to account no fin final, though never fo little in the eye of the world. Is it a Sin ? Iffo, do thou never admit of it; ifit be a fin, abhorre it: let this tempta- tionnever prevail with thee; What? will you oot do this, youma y do worfe ? This I would adyife thole gracious andgodlie, that do indeed make