The Evil o fEvils,Or the make Confcience of (mall Sins, and dowell in makingConfcien.ecof(mall things; I giveyou thefeTwo Inflruftions to carrie along with you, as youdomake Confeienceof fmall things, and you do well in it, becaufe thereis fomuch Evil in Sin. So, TheEirtl bntiruEioii, Ye fureyourcourfebe even this wy, theit as youfeern tomake confidenceofforr:e thingsfinal ; fomake eonfience ofall: Let not=en of the world, that obferve your waies, findyou tripping, and have juft caufe tofay, Thefemen- teem fc upulous in fmall things, butinother waies, they give libertie enoughto themfelves.° And ( fay they) though theywill not (wear, they will lye ; and fuch like afpertions, force- times throng?' malice, themenoftheworld caft upon Profe ion. But I fpeak toyou in thename of theLord, take heed you give not occafion to themen ofthe world to fay fo ; to fay, I,thefe be fo fcrupuloùsin Ceremonies, and fo nice in thefe things; though certainliewearebound to be fo, for God is a lealois God, and if in anie thing webeConfciencious, we mullin hisWor- fhip be Confcienciousthere; but thenyouhad need be fo much the morecareful,that theyfind you exa& ineverie thingthat you do. You fer- vants, perhaps you inquire after theWorfhipof God,you yong people; and it is a greatmercie of God, that God fors up yongones to inquire after the true worfhip of God, and not towor- {hip God in that ignorance that your fore-fa- thers did; that took upeverie thing upon cu- ftome, or the ufe of the Parith they lived in for