Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding as1P?i1PJff oStll ._ 45 for certainlie it is not the-praCtífeofmanie, nor the commando° Authoritiecan make it lawful, ifnot warranted by the Word : Well, perhaps manie yong onesnow beginto inquire after the wayof Gods 'Worfhip; and perhaps your NI*- tiers, Or Parents, or may be Huthan'ds be-angry, and vexed, and wonder what is come toyou ; becaufe grown fo fcrupulous of thefe things Now I fay, you had needbe verge exá.d inyour Mailers fltnilie, that youmaynot be found trip- ping in other things ; and you- Wives hadneed beverie exa6i, that your Hufbands find you not faultieinother things ; and you Children had needbeverge refpeífful to your Parents, and careful 'of your Duties to them, becaufe they be more apprehenfive of anie failings in that whichisdue to them, thentheyareofany thing in theWorfhipofGod; and theyknowGod tyes you to thepra liceof thofeduties. Nov ifyou cannot j_oyn in theirpra&ice, and filch Superfti- tionas your Mailers do Now if thefe Servants beunfaithful inService, and careleffs,and flub born, and flout in anfwering again: how doth this harden -their Mailers again1l this- way of Worfhip, and harden their hearts againfithem ? What ? You make Confcience ofSuperflition becaufefinful and is not thisSin, aswellas that? tobe unfaithful,and flubborn, andclout; ifyou makeConfcienceofonefin, whynot ofanother? therefore all you that feem tohavemoretender Confciences thanothers, andmore afraidofthe leafl fin than others 5 be -fireyouwalk exaélly, andefpeciallyhavearaseof yourduty- towards men,