Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

452 The Evil of Evils, or the men, with whom you walk ; for they can fpy you prefently, if you trip. ASecond in[lru&ion I commend to thofe that make Confcience of little, of the leafl Sin ; is this, Befnreyou be asyeilding and tradable in allother thiffgs as pojibleyou may, in all things lan'fsl c I ground it upon this, Becaufe thofe wholeCon- fciences be tender,anddare not commit the lead Sin, for anie feeming good ; they cannot but {land out rather than commit Comeevils, Come things that theyberequired to do they darenot do, becaufe finfui,itcanot be but in fome things they muff [landout, becaufe theybe convinmed that it is a fin : now this the world judges ftout- nefs,and pride, you make Confcience of it, but they think it pride, and tloutnefs offpirit, why ? Cannot you do this as well as others ? when alas God knows, and your Confciences tels you, that you would with all your hearts, but cannot; you thould fin againfl,and wound your own con fciences, therefore let them do what they will, you cannot do what is required let maflers rage, andbe angry, and huíbandsbedi fpl eafed, yob cannot yeeld, your confciences will not fuf- fer you. Now that you may convince them that it is confcience, andnot ftubbornnefs, how fball this be known, that it is confcioufnefs, and not flubbornnefs ? for we cannot fee into your confciences ? I give you this Note todifcover it,to them ; be more pliable andyeilding in all other things, and there, to gobeyond all other women, or children, or fervants. As now, if there be a woman whole Confcience cannot eild _: