Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sin,fxtneß of Sin. yeild toTome things , and her husband is dif- pleafed becaufe he beleeves it is ftoutnefs, now that her husband may beleeve it Confcience and not ftoutnefs,it concerns that woman to ob ferve whatfoever gives content to her husband in everíe thing elfe ; & tobe more yeilding, and pliable, and tradable, and herein denying her ownwill, to give content to herhusband ino- therthings, and herebie he will be convinced, fure the is not flout and ftubborn in other things; why? becaufe in this I find her morepliable, and yeilding, and willing, thanbefore. So for Servants, if you cannot yeild in thatyour Ma- tters would have you; tirive to give him the more content in other things :, Children to your Parents, in other things be moredutiful, and tone neighbor to another ; if neighbors would haveyou do that which is againil yourConfci- ence, when you cannot do that, yet in other things yeild to your own prejudice, toconvince' them, that in what you do not yeild, it is meer- lie out of- Confcience, and not ftubbornnefs.? This is theFourth life. I might here have gone further, and (ifthere be fo much evil in Sin, I would) have labored with men and women to come to be fenfible of all the evil of fin, and tohave flopped fanners in their finful waies,and courfes 5 and likewife to . have drawn fanners to Chritt, and to have made men and women toprife Jefus Chriít,by whom i all their fins may po ably come to be forgiven who is the onlie Fanfom & Propifiation forfn for this brethren,is the groundofall I have fa id G gg that 453