454 The Evi' uf Eves, Or the that we might be made to el}eem Chrif}, and prtl . Chrifi. And i , tin, regard, though what l have :aid 'eems legal yet certainlie it is fond inillrake.in people that think Chriff is not prea- ched, except theword Chrifi be named: but know ail, that hath been Paid about theSinful nefs of sin, hath been a PreachingofChrist, for it bath been inway and order to bringSouls to Chri&, that i might caufe Souls toflietoChriti, andgo to him that is the onlie Propiiatiou for Sin, and theonlie anfom for Souls. And cer- tainliebrethren, ifonce there things I have de- livered concerning theEvil of Sin, come tobe apprehended, and the Soul made fenlible of them ; Oh ! how Tweet, and precious, and dear will Chrift be to filch a>Soul ? and-the Name of that great God will be honored i,i fuch a Soul : Put I (hall protecute this inthe following Difcourfe. tiftlititan