Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exec( ding Srnfírlrreffof Sin. 455 (24444 'Vi444.0*/#44440` +cf. 4,440444344444.44. CHAP. L'VI. life 5. ifthere befùcb Evil inSin,herree then isfufli- fied the dreadf:d thingspalms ìn the Word againfl pietas. THereis more Ev?I ira Sin , than inall Afflii- lion: That's the Argiirent we have been long upon , andhave madeCome pgood entrance into the Anp'icarion of it, there ath beenFour Wes made of this Point 4lrea dy) that bath flowed naturally from the Evil of Sin. There areyet divers more Ufes which are ofgreat Concernment : whereforewe proceed to it. ZfeV. Ifthere be fuch dreadful Evil inSin, Hence then the Wordof God that eat! (uch r read'ùl' things againfifrmrer ,cannot but ce iufiffied !fall thore that !knowwh Itfin is. 7here arevcrre revereand fearful things, revealed in the Word againfi Sin. Now) fuch as underffand not what the Evil of Sin is, are readie to think them vergebard For indeed, it is onlieby theword, we come toun- derhand, wherein the trueEvil of Sin lies,. Paul to theRomans tels us, That befrre the came, he Itnornot Sin : Andhad i PreachedthefeSermons ïconcerning theEvil of in before theAthenians, rhe.